The gathering of a harvest is an end product following
the sowing or planting of something, together with the nurture that is lavished
on the seeds or plants which enables growth and fruitfulness. At this time of year there are a lot of
pumpkins around. I am going to astound
you with a bit of knowledge. Here we go!
To grow pumpkins you have to plant pumpkin seeds. Yes I know that is astonishing, but honestly
it is true. I have it on good authority
that if you plant apple seeds you will not get pumpkins. I know that if you plant grains of wheat then
it is wheat that you get not pumpkins.
Be aware of what you plant.
This lesson that we reap what we sow is found in the
Bible. In Galatians 6:7 it says just
that - we will reap what we sow or harvest what we plant. That’s a great lesson for agriculture and
horticulture and the like, but the interesting thing is that the Galatians
passage is not talking about agriculture and horticulture. It is talking about things we sow into our
lives which can produce good fruit or harvest or bad fruit or harvest. You see if you plant pumpkin seeds in your
life don’t be surprised if you grow pumpkins!
Maybe what works in the world of agriculture and
horticulture also works in our personal lives and indeed society. It would be possible to look at various
societies and see the way that good or bad things come out of them because of
the building blocks, or seeds, that lay at the basis of society. There are societies that seem to be
compassionate and others that seem to encourage territorial conflict and even
ethnic cleansing. It might be partly
because of the kind of things that are planted and nurtured in the minds, lives,
and actions of their citizens. If, for
instance, from an early age children are brought up to hate certain groups or
types of people then we should not be surprised at violence against and between
such groups. If so we should be cautious
of sowing the seeds that encourage the darker things of life, physically,
emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
That I think is where the difficulty with Halloween
lies. It is not the dressing up. It is not the games. It is not even the pumpkins!!!! But it is a seeming fascination with darker
things when there could be games and dressing up and food (including pumpkins)
which encouraged light rather than darkness.
Of course with shops having an eye to profit there is unlikely to be
much discerning from them about what might affect society in a positive rather
than negative way (after all look at the sales of cheap alcohol that cause
problems up and down the country).
Is British society going to be irretrievably harmed by
the “celebration” of Halloween? Are
children that dress up going to be traumatised?
Let’s face it that is unlikely.
However, taking the longer and wider view maybe we plant seeds into
society that are not entirely good for it and which might produce fruit that is
not good.