Welcome Honoured Guests, Visitors and members
of the Community.
As we gather to share in this simple but important ceremony we use it to
remember and value the importance of our communities and all that safeguards
them. This safeguarding and protection
of the community of Portland
is represented by keys today. The four
keys relate to the castles and citadels of Portland .
Keys have a resonance for all sorts of reasons.
Does someone have the key to your heart?
Have you lost a key lately?
There is the Master Key that can unlock every door.
I wonder what you think of when you hear the word “key”.
One thing I think of is doors.
Doors that can be locked, with a key or bar or bolts. Or doors that can be unlocked. Then I think that keys and locks are not just about physical doors. They can be about societies and communities and individuals that might want to
shut something orsomeone out or let them in.
I wonder how many relationships have heard the words “You keeping
shutting me out!”. No actual door or key
but the effect can be just the same.
I want to tell you a story.
In 1492 two Irish families, the Butlers of Ormonde and the FitzGeralds
of Kildare, were involved in a bitter feud. This disagreement centred around
the position of Lord Deputy. Both families wanted one of their own to hold the
position. In 1492 this tension broke into outright warfare and a small skirmish
occurred between the two families just outside the city walls.
The Butlers ,
realising that the fighting was getting out of control, took refuge in the
Chapter House of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. The FitzGeralds followed them into
the Cathedral and asked them to come out and make peace. The Butlers , afraid that if they did so they
would be slaughtered, refused.
The Earl of Kildare concluded that the fighting was foolish. Here were two families worshipping the same
God, in the same church, in the same country trying to kill each other. As a gesture of good faith the Earl of
Kildare, Gerald FitzGerald, ordered that a hole be cut in the door. He
then thrust his arm through the door and offered his hand in peace to those on
the other side. Upon seeing that FitzGerald was willing to risk his arm
by putting it through the door the Butlers
reasoned that he was serious in his intention. They shook hands through the
door, the Butlers
emerged from the Chapter House and the two families made peace.
Today this door is known as the “Door of Reconciliation” and is on
display in the Cathedral’s north transept. This story also lives on in a famous
expression in Ireland
“To chance your arm”.
It seems to me that communities and individuals could draw some
very important things from that story.
We have choices to make about whether we put up barriers, shut people
out, prolong conflict, escalate disagreement.
Or we can choose to chance our arm, to reach through barriers and show
that we really are serious about building a relationship.
Every day we make decisions as individuals and communities about
whether we are going to be welcoming and hospitable or try to keep those
strangers out.
In our Methodist churches on Portland
we are spending a number of weeks on the theme of Generous Living. Linked with that is Generous
Hospitality. It may be something that is
not so natural in this country compared to yesteryear. For my part as a Christian I have a God who
makes me welcome and I want to try to reflect that in my life.
Keys are funny old things.
You can turn them and lock someone out or turn them and welcome them
in. I pray that wherever possible we
might do the latter.