“I am sorry” I said. “Is
there a problem?” The gentleman informed
me in no uncertain terms that there was indeed a problem. I had been placing rubbish in the bin
belonging to his section of flats and the one I should have been placing it in
was a good 30 metres away around another corner. I expressed my apologies and said he really
didn’t need to empty the bin because I would be very happy to remove the rubbish
from the incorrect bin to place in the correct one and that he had only needed
to alert me. In all honesty I can’t say
that this made his day, or that he was any happier. I guess he must have an ongoing problem with
people filling his rubbish bin with their rubbish. I might feel exactly the same in his
Anyway, it got me thinking just a little. In life it is not entirely unusual for us to
find that rubbish can mount up within us.
Maybe something bad from the past hangs around our lives and constantly
upsets us. Perhaps life seems to have been
particularly hard and left a trail of destruction in our lives which never
quite seems to be sorted out and cleared up.
In spiritual terms we might say that there can be a tendency for the rubbish
of sin to clog up our lives and what on earth does one do with sin? I guess sometimes we try to dump it somewhere
out of sight in the hope that it will be out of mind – almost! Perhaps we push it to the deepest darkest
parts of our mind. Things we have done
or not done, hurts we have caused, the piercing nasty thoughts or the pointed
deliberate actions. Many people will
know what I am talking about for they have carried the rubbish around within for
a long time. And then when we try to get
rid of it, like a boomerang, or like the rubbish I tried to through away
yesterday, it seems to keep appearing before our very eyes again.
My problem yesterday with the material rubbish I was trying
to dispose of was that it was going in the wrong place. Maybe that is what happens with our lives too
in relation to the deep hurts we have received or sin we have committed. Perhaps we try to deal with it our way, but it
needs dealing with God’s way. God’s way
is of course through Jesus. It was he
that died on a cross and as he did so he was in some way (and there are many
theories of how) dealing with that sin and taking it into a rubbish dump where
it could be got rid of forever.
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